Ashleigh Kaneski

I'm Ashleigh Kaneski, a product designer, coach, and entrepreneur. Over nearly two decades, I've honed my skills in product design, navigating the intricate intersections of user needs and business objectives for renowned brands such as Cash App, Twitter, MTV, and various startups.

product designEr & Coach

Let's Co-Create

Let's Co-Create •

1-on-1 Coaching

Enrolled in Lumia, an ICF-accredited life coach program, I offer personalized coaching to empower individuals in realizing their potential, planning their path, and staying accountable to achieve their goals. Whether you're aspiring to launch a new business, aiming for career advancement, or seeking to redefine your relationship with alcohol, I’m here to guide you through your transformation. Together, we'll gain clarity on your aspirations, strategize actionable plans with SMART goals, and provide ongoing support and accountability. Fill out the form to schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery call today!


  • The Lumia Life Coaching program defines coaching as; Co-creative partnership that holds space for clients to learn new things about themselves/the world, strategize on action steps, and offer accountability toward specific goals.

  • Coaching stands apart from therapy, consulting, and mentoring. While therapy addresses healing past traumas and medical treatment, consulting offers expert advice for a fee, and mentoring involves experienced individuals guiding less experienced ones. Coaching, on the other hand, focuses on facilitating growth and helping clients set and achieve goals rather than providing therapy, advice, or direct instruction. However, there can be overlap between coaching and mentorship if a client permits the coach to share expertise in a particular area.